Who is Marshall Glaze from Love Is Blind 2023? Cast member is a Berkeley graduate

August 2024 · 5 minute read

There's plenty to look forward to for fans of Love is Blind, as season 4 is just around the corner. Netflix has already released the trailer, which confirms that the first five episodes will release on Friday, March 24.

30 single contestants will be part of the upcoming season, including Marshall Glaze.

The 27-year-old marketing manager wishes to find a “deep mental and emotional connection.” The new Love is Blind star also wants his future partner to be “family-oriented” and “very ambitious.”

Love is Blind star Marshall Glaze enjoys making short films

Marshall Glaze was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1995, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Baltimore. In the following years, he worked as a Content and Social Media Manager in the Graduate Division at Berkeley.

As per his staff profile, aside from his work, he is also interested in “brainstorming how to catapult the Graduate Division’s content and social media to the next level.” He leads a rather private life and has about 2,000 followers on social media. He looks up to his cousin, who has left a lasting impression on him.

His interest in making short films is evident from a clip he recently shared called, “Night Thoughts” on Instagram. It will be interesting to see if he can find his ideal match in season 4 of the reality show.

A few of the other cast members who will appear on the show include Amber Wilder, April King, Bill, Brandie Bowman, Brett Brown, Chelsea Griffin, Irina Solomonova, Bliss Poureetezadi, Jack Bonner, and Jimmy Forde.

Nick and Vanessa Lachey to host Love is Blind season 4

Love is Blind season 4 will feature 30 cast members and will be hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey. The teaser was released on February 21 and promised plenty of drama, confessions, feuds, and heartbreaks. Fans are now excited to see if some lucky contestants find true love on the show and get married.

Netflix's Love is Blind season 4 description reads:

"Singles who want to be loved for who they are, rather than what they look like, have signed up for a less conventional approach to modern dating in Seattle where they hope to meet the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with...without ever having seen them. With no distractions from the outside world, the singles talk to a stream of potential love interests and when a meaningful connection is made, they propose and then lay their eyes on their fiancé for the first time."

It continues:

"Engaged and back in the real world, as the couples plan their wedding day, they will quickly discover whether they can turn their emotional connection into a physical one before the fast-approaching ceremony. Hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey, this addictive series will uncover whether looks, race or age do matter, or if love really is blind."

Is Marshall Glaze going to find true love in this experiment? Check out the latest episode of Netflix's Love is Blind on Friday, March 24 at 3.01 am ET.

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