There are tons of new hidden achievements added to Genshin Impact after the recent patch 2.6 update. Players can complete these hidden achievements to claim free primogems and get more in-depth context about the lore. The Nine-Word Rumor is one such hidden achievement added to the game.
Players will have to travel to The Chasm: Underground Mines to complete this hidden achievement. The general idea is to find and investigate nine mysterious abyssal writings spread across the Chasm: Underground Mines.
These writings have special properties and can only be found in complete darkness, so don't forget to unequip the Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget when players are around these mysterious writings.
This article will cover all the locations where players can find these writings to unlock the secret achievement.
Genshin Impact: Guide to locations of Abyssal Writings inside The Chasm
Make sure to unequip the Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget when approaching the abyssal writings or they will disappear. Players can learn the locations of the secret messages from the list below.
1) Stony Halls
Players can start with a secret message located near Stony Halls. Teleport to Stony Hall’s waypoint and drop down and start heading towards the southeast. Keep walking until players find a single hilichurl digging near a broken pile of large stones. The abyssal writing can be found nearby.
2) South of Stony Halls
Players can teleport to a waypoint located south of Stony Halls to find two more abyssal writings. Teleport to Stony Hall's south waypoint and head southwest. Keep walking until players reach the ruins of a building and start climbing it to reach the marked location on the map above to find a secret message.
Jump down the hole in the middle and look around to find the second Abyssal writing and observe the message.
3) North of Nameless Ruins
Teleport to the upside-down waypoint and jump start heading north. Keep walking until players can find a Ruin Grader blocking the path. The abyssal writing can be found at the top of the path the Ruin Grader is blocking.
4) Underground Waterways
Teleport to Underground Waterways south waypoint and start heading southwest. Follow the broken bridge until players can find the ruins of a building. One of the Abyssal writing can be found on the outer walls of the ruins.
From the previous location, head south and jump down the broken staricase to find another abyssal writing located near a time-trial challenge.
5) East of Blue Pillar
Teleport to the eastern waypoint of the blue pillar and head southeast. Keep walking inside the pit to find the abssyal writing on the right side wall.
6) South of Blue Pillar
Teleport to the waypoint located south of the blue pillar and head southwest. Keep gliding until players can find a platform covered in dark mud. The abyssal writing can be found at the foot of the dark mud-filled platform.
7) North of Main Mining Area
Teleport to the Main Mining area north waypoint and head north from there. Keep going north until players can find a narrow passage leading to the other side with a bridge. Cross the bridge to find a treasure hoarder camp and a purple wall.
Players will need a level 6 Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget to remove the wall and find the final abyssal writing on the wall.
After observing the final abyssal writing, players will unlock the secret achievement "The Nine-Word Rumor."
Players can also refer to this guide above that will provide simple instructions on how to complete this secret achievement. This is everything players need to know on how to complete and unlock the new secret achievement "The Nine-Word Rumor" added in the patch 2.6 update of Genshin Impact.
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