way better for your skin and hair than cotton). With my head suspended through the night, I found that my hair was less tangly, less flattened, and less creasy when I woke up. Which, as any curl girl knows, is a beautiful thing.
Is it practical for everyday life? Mmmmm...no. At the end of a long day, I just want my pillow to be like a giant marshmallow welcoming me to its warm embrace. But I'm still excited to have a Hair Pillow in my repertoire as I know it'll come in handy for special occasions, like when I want to prolong a bouncy blowout or an intricate updo for a couple of days. Plus, when I use it, I feel like a more put-together, nothing-comes-in-between-me-and-a-good-hair-day kind of woman. And I like it.
Lifestyle Pillows Hair Pillow, $65; lifestylepillows.com.
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